Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Autumn tree care for your rental property

A couple of weeks ago, I asked my renter-readers what apartment maintenance tasks their leases require them to be responsible for.

To follow up: If you're responsible for yard maintenance, you might find this article about fall tree maintenance helpful.

Tree maintenance isn't normally something renters are too concerned about; thankfully, that's usually a landlord's job. So we'll just consider this a "bonus" blog post amongst friends -- unless you, yourself, are a property manager like I used to be. In that case, you'll be more inclined to check it out.


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How to view an apartment -- one room at a time

We're going back to the basics for this blog post, and it's aimed squarely at newbie apartment hunters or those of you who haven't looked for a new apartment in a long time.

Here are some tips on what to look for when you're looking for an apartment. Check out the article's room-by-room apartment-viewing tips written especially for first-time apartment hunters.

"How to View an Apartment: A Guide for New Apartment Hunters" also links to a printable apartment-hunting checklist for your convenience. I think you'll find it useful if you're searching for a new apartment -- Good luck, and happy hunting!


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

What apartment maintenance tasks are you responsible for?

Some leases -- particularly if you're renting a house or a duplex -- make certain home maintenance tasks the responsibility of the tenant rather than the landlord.

For example, duplex and single-family home renters sometimes must shovel their own sidewalks in the wintertime and mow their own lawns in the summer. Aside from that, almost every tenant must occasionally change a light bulb or replace the batteries in their smoke detectors. And, unfortunately, some tenants take on more of their fair share of rental home maintenance tasks simply because they have landlords who aren't prompt about doing it or outright refuse.

For tenants who fit the descriptions above, check out the Top 10 Best Buys for Easier Home Maintenance. If you're looking to get the most bang out of your buck when purchasing home maintenance tools or supplies, this Top 10 list is a good guide for choosing essential home maintenance products that will make tasks easier and faster and, in some cases, will save you money.


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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Rent-to-own homes, the pros and cons

You've seen the ads, long-time renters, for homes for rent that come with an option to buy later.

But is renting-to-own your home really the way to go? Check out the pros and cons of lease options, and learn how they work, in Leasing a Home to Buy: Good Idea or Scam?


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