Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New landlords: Avoid these five tenant types

One thing I learned from being a property manager is that landlording is not for nice guys. That's not to say that I didn't like most of my tenants or try to be nice to them; I did.

But I also learned, at my boss's urging, that sometimes you have to say "no." No to unnecessary repairs or upgrades, no to extraordinary lease provisions and even, sometimes, no to prospective tenants who had applied to rent with us.

My latest article is targeted at landlords, particularly new ones. It's "Five Tenant Types Unfit for Your Investment Property."

Some rental applicants just are too risky to rent to or are too likely to bring headaches with them to your property. Learn who they are by clicking on the article title above.


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At June 10, 2016, Blogger Unknown said...

There is no simple answer to this. Many of the worst tenants appear perfectly reasonable on first meeting. But the best you can do is to make sure that all prospective tenants are properly vetted. You or your agent should meet them, talk to them, and try to get to know them. You should also make sure that you seek and verify references from a previous landlord.

Mar@Haus Immobilier


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