Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Auditors comply with new Ohio landlord law

Local county auditors' offices are making it easier for landlords to comply with Substitute House Bill 294, enacted in September.

The law aims to make it easier for officials to contact landlords in the event of an emergency on their properties and it eliminates cases of "missing landlords" who cannot be found to address nuisance issues at their rental sites.

It requires all landlords to register their contact information with county auditors and, in the case of an out-of-state landlord, to appoint an in-state agent to serve as a contact person.

Local county auditors in many cases have made available printable versions of the HB 294 contact forms on their websites. Landlords who have not yet complied with the law may follow the links below to the appropriate county auditors' sites and print a form for mailing.

Meanwhile, the Youngstown-based Vindicator newspaper is reporting that legislators are already considering watering down the measure and revising it to require only landlords owning four or more rental units to submit the proper contact forms. Easy Rent Check.com, however, advises all landlords to comply with the law as it is currently stipulated.


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